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Joby: Auto Incoming Job
Joby: Auto Incoming Job

How to set up a flow to convert text into tickets

Written by Uleadz Client Care
Updated over 5 months ago

With Joby, you can link sms from a specific phone line and convert them into tickets automatically by setting up the Auto Incoming Job feature.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have a dispatching service let your Uleadz account manager know to ensure correct integration.

  1. On your desktop account go to the Joby (Uleadz Automation) section

  2. Select Joby Incoming Job at the top

  3. This will display a page with the option New Auto Incoming Job

Set up fields in order:

4.0 Friendly name: add a name to identify the Incoming Job flow

4.1 Source Platform Type: select the type of source (SMS for outside dispatching, or Ucallz for our partner dispatching company)

When a ticket come from

4.2 Sms phone: in case the jobs are received via text, add the phone from where your jobs are received to detect them

Adding the new ticket to

4.4 Job Source: select the job source you want this ticket automatically assigned to

How to detect fields?

4.5 By Fields / By Template Rows: you can select how the incoming data on the sms or email is arranged in your ticket and which information you expect receive as well

Callback Ticket

4.6 How to detect call back?: To avoid duplicating jobs, you can set up an automatic relation between tickets in case you receive a callback, that way the information is attached to the existing ticket.

4.7 Search Globally: ON: to search globally in all job sources, OFF: to search specific only in the selected job source

4.8 Search time ago: stablishes for how long a ticket can be linked as a callback instead of creating a new one.

4.9 Detect by external ticket: in case a ticket with the same external ticket number has already been created, it will be detected as a callback ticket

4.10 Detect By Phone: in case a ticket with the same phone number has already been created, it will be detected as a callback ticket

When Find What To Do?: you also have control over if you want to always create a new ticket with each sms/email received

Who Get Notify Callback?: you can decide if this is just entered in the system, or if its automatically assigned to a technician,or for the owner to receive the notification instead

When all settings are completed, press save at the top of the page; once saved, it will appear under the chosen friendly name and it can be edited anytime from a desktop

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