Joby can send you pre-programmed alerts for any new calls coming into any of your Uleadz phone numbers. You can choose how and when you'd like to be reminded.
Setting up this option is simple. Follow these next steps to configurate your Joby Alert.
From the left hand side menu, go to Joby and then select the option for Joby Alerts.
2. Open the option for "New Call" and start filling up the information requested.
3. Select which job sources you'd like this new alert to apply to (if you have any of your phone lines assigned to a job source).
4. Select which technicians you want to be notified. If you don't want technicians to be notified, just unselect them all.
5. Select the users you'd like to be notified. The alert will be sent to the phone number they have on their user profile. You can also add specific phone numbers to be notified.
6. Lastly, select which via you want to be notified. You can choose between SMS, email, or both of them. You're also able to edit the information that will be shown on the alert you receive.
7. When you're ready, remember to scroll up and select "Save". The alert should then be activated.
If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact Support.